Monday, November 3, 2014

Explaining Res Life Through MS Paint

There are many of us of a certain age who first explored creativity on desktop computers using PC Paintbrush. Generously referred to as "graphics editing software," it was an opportunity for a kid to try something on a computer that he could previously only do on paper. The substitution of technology in place of paper was fun and led to some brilliant artistic creations in elementary school computer labs everywhere.

PC Paintbrush became Microsoft Paint and the average computer user gained access to more and more sophisticated graphics editing software, but there's still a little bit of magic and fun left with MS Paint. I decided to dust off the skills and create a few pictures that sum up life in Residential Life. Turns out it's remarkably therapeutic and an awesome way to procrastinate.

Inspired by #MSPaintMonday, which is primarily used by those who talk about college football on Reddit, I give you the res life and student affairs version of a tremendous time-waster...


I also thought it might be fun to create a few that sum up professional life in student affairs. I was right - it was fun.

Think you have some fun pictures to create? You know you want to try it. I'd love for you to share them - Tweet them to me (@pottscharlie)!

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